the cat typed as she +*9- ........................
first records i ever bought Elton
John Fleetwood
records i say Patti
Smith Bruce
13 - Prawnography I've just spent the last hour listening to a radio show on Van Morrison's "Astral Weeks". A lovely way to spend a dying Saturday afternoon in winter. I can look out the window now - dull grey sky, calm, cold, with street lights streaking across the harbour - and feel at peace. Astral Weeks is that sort of album. There was a billboard in Wellington which has just been taken down. It was for a new magazine on cooking, or something like that. It featured a naked woman, who's legs morphed into a the end of a prawn, on a bed of rice. Someone had scrawled the words "prawnography" across the billboard. A beautiful play on words that made a point. We spent last night surfing some porn sites together. Generally it's been an activity we've pursued in private. At odd times of the night or day, on occasion, one of us might have been found in front of the computer perusing our favourite sites. We would always erase the browser history of where we'd been. But sometimes we'd get caught out. Deb was typing in an address the other night, got as far as "www.n" and up popped "www.naughtystories.com". Netscape's helpful like that. Anyway, last night was good. We shared some sites we liked, laughed at some of the stuff, and had a good time. A good shared time. Something we need more of. I ain't getting into the pornography debate. Hmmmmm, well, I guess I am. I think one of things at issue is what you enjoy and how you enjoy it. I think it's important to be able to explore and reclaim your sexuality, and porn can be an aid to doing that. And I think it's important to enjoy it in the right frame of mind. Doing it with your partner can be a way achieving that. It can also screw things up, act as a substitute for real intimacy, and provide images of women that reinforce what should be broken down. I don't know where that line is always crossed. But it's there. Be careful out there.