May 22 Friday. I never seem to do much work on Fridays. I treat myself to wearing jeans and casual shirts on Fridays. It's probably a bit silly for me to do this, because I've spent most of my life either at school or University wearing exactly those sort of clothes, or painting, wearing exactly those sort of clothes but paintsplattered. So wearing a shirt and tie, or a suit, is still a novelty to me, rather than something I feel I have to rebel from every Friday. And I think this contributes to the malaise of Fridays. I just don't feel as efficient, in the work environment, in jeans. So I slothed around a bit today. It's truly amazing how productive you can look with a computer on your desk. My office is in on the 4th floor of Wellington's public library. The library itself is a neat new building, situated on one side of an open square. I regret to say that I haven't been into the library once in the past year. However, on the mezzanine floor, there is a great cafe that serves wonderful lattes, muffins and chocolate shortbread slices. I did go there today. And yesterday. And Monday. Last night at ante-natal classes, all the men went to another room and we had a recent Dad come in and talk to us. It was good. I had horrible visions of some male bonding type thing, but it wasn't at all like that. Just him talking about what he'd gone through, what worked and what didn't. The need to have a pregnancy kit all ready for the dash to the hospital was firmly put across to us. This guy has gone home at 2am, with his wife just in labour, searching for various feminine hygiene products that he didn't even know existed. So tonight we went shopping to start putting this kit together. Pyjamas were on the list. Debs came home with this cute pair of flannel pyjamas with daisies on them.