May 29 - Frames is like calculus

There was an e-mail for me at work this morning. The web-site that Deb and I created for my work

had won a "site of the day" award for New Zealand web sites. They give one out each day, with weekly themes. This week's theme was clubs, so Table Tennis New Zealand was there with the underwear club (!), an aero club and a tramping club, among others.

I've been smiling about the award all day. It's like the only creative thing I've ever won in my life. Maybe I'm in the wrong job - he says hopefully.

The commentary on the site notes the use of frames throughout, and predicates a liking of the site of your liking for frames.

I love frames. Well, at least frames that are well done. I never used too, until I started seeing them on sites I like, then I was hooked. I love having segments of the screen remain motionless, while others scroll past.

But, I have to say, frames confuse the shit out of me. I mean I kinda understand the principle: you bring pages up inside other pages. But when I come to create them, my mind turns to mush. I completely lose track of what goes where, and I'm reduced to crying pitifully for Deb, "how come this doesn't work?".

It was exactly the same for me at school with maths. I was wonderful at the subject when it was easy. In fact, one of my childhood dream jobs was to be a mathematician. I have no idea why I thought that would be so great, but I was young - that's my only defence. But once we got to calculus at school, I was lost. Once you could no longer do stuff by rote, and actually had to understand the principles behind what you were doing, my bluff was called. I'm now math-phobic. I run from equations.

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