Why do people dry their hair?
Why do you have a baby in your tummy?
Why do cats have fur?
Why do you use a spoon to eat yoghurt?
Why do walls have corners?
Why does the sun shine?
Where do motorcycles live?

Happy New Year
31 December, 2001

So I'm sitting here drinking from a miniature bottle of Cointreau and Debbie is sitting here drinking a glass of water. Deb's just spent the past four hours in bed feeling ill, and I've just spent a couple hours trying (unsuccessfully) to solve a problem on a website I've just done. Oh baby, do we rock on New Year's Eve!

Give or take some time differences, tonight is the 15th anniversary of our meeting. A night in London, mid-winter, I wore a black jersey. Debbie held my hand in Trafalgar square. Who would have thought 15 years later we'd be here, expecting our second child? Deb thinks we're entering a new phase in our relationship. We've gone through the first flush of fucking and fighting. We've been through the mellow, goodlife before children. We've drifted apart the past few years and had to face some problems. Now we're working through them, waiting for the second child, the last child, in our family. I think she's right — she's always right of course! — and I'm ready for this next phase.

One day I should write of the wonderful things we've done together. We've cycled through the heart of France and across the Pyrenees to Spain. We've climbed mountains and supported each other through the slog of academia. We've got drunk and listening to loud, wonderful music together. And we've created life. Twice. One day I will write of these things. You will hear of the wonderful things we're going to be doing together though. This next year is going to be a great one!

I'm not much of a one for New Year's Eve. We won't be awake at midnight, and the Cointreau is rapidly running out. Deb has water on tap though! I'm feeling good though. Relaxed and alive. I'll be working to make 2002 a wonderful year.

Have a great New Year! See you next year!

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Link of the day
The ageless project
Personal websites arranged by the decade the author was born in.


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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