Enjoying the sunshine
Thursday 3 August 2000

It's been a whole new lifestyle for me this week and a couple days last week. I've been doing contracting work for this web firm I interviewed at. It seems they're happy for me to work three days a week for the foreseeable future, and we'll see how it all goes.

I am really enjoying it. As in looking forward to going into work! Of course I've often felt like I know nothing, or that I'm doing it all wrong, but that's always the case when you start somewhere new. But they seem ok with my work, and being asked back must be a good sign.

So far it's been fairly basic stuff. Creating a few graphics, laying out some HTML pages, cut and pasting javascript! I swear I will try and learn that language one day soon. I've already learned lots though, and the longer I stay the more I will learn. And hopefully be able to contribute some of my own knowledge also. It's a different environment though, to what I'm used to. An open plan office, tight deadlines and clients wanting minute changes all the time. It's great. I'm getting paid to do what I've discovered I love doing.

The weather this past five weeks or so has been just stunning in Wellington. It's been the sunniest July since records have been kept. It's invariably been calm and sunny and warm during the day. Today I was outside with Matthew playing in the garden. He had a stick and was chasing the cat around the lawn with it. Then he pulled to pipe apart that the laundry flowed out of and got himself soaked with water. “Ohhhhh, bubbles Daddy” he said as the water and bubbles sprayed over him.

I'm still happy. Life is pretty good. Maybe the sunshine might stick around a while longer …

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