Tomorrow we're sailing on my Dad's ship. It's his last day of work before retiring, and we're doing a return sailing with him - Debbie and Matthew and I, my sister and her husband and their two children and my mother.
I think it will be a special day.
I've missed writing so much. Moments that I've wanted to capture and days that were made for posterity. A break has been good, but I find myself wanting to dive back into writing, and put up something that's part of me and yet let go beyond me.
I've missed the community and the feedback and the e-mails. I've missed touching people and being touched back by them. I've missed sharing.
I'm fiddling with the design for this site, and there's some more I want to put up, and it all may change, but, damnit, I just wanted to write something and put it up and see how it looks.
Welcome! I hope you'll find something you like here.
Journals and blogs that I read regularly
Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away
made by mom
The Ageless Project
Blogging Mommies
Photo of tunnel copyright Bernd Klumpp, available from