Well, so Von says. She knows where it is, so she says. But ya gonna have to ask her!
The movie "Snatch". I liked it. Funny, fast-moving, and so it wasn't quite as good as "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels", but it was fun.
I'd been so good so far this year. I had my flu vaccine shot, I'd taken my spirulina and vitamin c tablets each day, I'd bought warm clothes. But, of course, I've come down with the flu. I should have realised on Tuesday night, after basketball practice, when I was aching all over, but I put that down to the practice. I didn't sleep well Thursday night, and lo and behold, was feeling like crap come Friday afternoon. I'm hoping it's not too bad a case, but I'm feeling rather shattered right now.
I'm sitting here sipping a hot lemon and honey drink, with just a hint of whisky in it. Matthew's alseep in our bed with Deb. He's going through a phase right now of not going to sleep in his own bed. He'll only go to sleep in our bed and with Debbie there. I don't do it for him! So we're letting him do that and I carry him back into his bed before I go to sleep.
I want time. I feel like all I do is work, eat, sleep - oh, ok, and Deb would say play basketball! But I've still got jobs I need to finish, and working full-time, and it just never seems like there's time to do things for me. Or if I make time, it's time I should be doing something else. I want time to just read, or listen to music. I want time to learn new things. I want time to spend with Matthew and Debbie, and friends. Friends? Yes Michael, those people you make an effort to see once in a while!
Well, the lemon drink is finished. I'm sniffing and cold. I hope I feel better tomorrow, I'm supposed to take Matthew to a birthday party. The thought of that, if I'm feeling like this, is more than a body can bear!
last | nextLink of the day
Feminine language
From Denise's weblog. I recognised every single thing she wrote about!
Journals and blogs that I read regularly
Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away
made by mom
The Ageless Project
Blogging Mommies
Photo of tunnel copyright Bernd Klumpp, available from istockphoto.com