We've discovered how to burn CDs. I mean the CD writer has only sat idle on our computer since the beginning of the year! It is so cool. Even easier than making tapes of music — much easier since our cassette player is broken. I'm keen to investigate copying records onto CD next. We made three music CDs today. Renee is the lucky recipient. Let me know if you want a mix CD for a Christmas present!

Turkey Hunt
17 November, 2001

We've decided to have a Thanksgiving dinner next Thursday. We've invited Michael (who is virtually a partner now we do so much work together) and his wife Annette, and our friend Bill. Both Michael and Bill are from Seattle and have been living in New Zealand for 20-25 years. We're looking forward to the evening. Mike and Deb go socialising! It's a rare thing.

So today we went on a turkey hunt. Turkey's not really a big dish in New Zealand, but the local butcher seemed the place to start. We asked if he sold turkey, and he said sure, and called the other butcher out from the back of the shop.
He looked us over, “How many people will be eating the turkey?”
“Oh, say 6 people, it's for a Thanksgiving dinner next week.”
The other butcher spoke up, “6 adults, or adults and children?”
“Well”, I answered, “it's 5 adults and 2 children, so say 6 adults in all.”
“Big eaters?”, he asked.
“Sure” I said, thinking of the tramps I've been on with Bill.
“Hmmmmm”, he pondered, “Well, it's either going to be a size 4b turkey, or a size 5b.” He thought for a minute. “I'll tell you what. I'll sleep on it tonight, it'll come to me, what size I should get.”
I told him we were entirely happy to leave it in his capable hands. What can you say? I'm impressed! Anyone who's dedicated enough to sleep on his turkey sizes gets my vote. I'll pick the turkey up on Thursday morning. I've never cooked one before, I'm looking forward to it. It should be a good evening.

We had a bit of a drive around Wellington today, and went up to Johnsonville, where I grew up. I lived in three different houses in Johnsonville, and we drove past them, saying to Matthew, “Daddy lived there when he was younger.” He hasn't quite grapsed the concept of a time before him yet. He would say, “Was that when I was in Mummy's tummy?”, and we'd answer, “No, that was before you were born”. He answered back, “But where was I? Was I all alone?”

It's strange going back to a place you once lived in. The streets I used to know so intimately seem distant to me now. I can't recall more than vague memories of having walked them. They're like slightly embarassing reminders of who I used to be.

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Link of the day
Collect the whole set of Enduring Freedom cards

The official CIA terrorism buster logo
Two links today. I offer them up without further comment.


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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