I bought the latest Bob Dylan album today — LOVE AND THEFT
The guy in the music shop said isn't it great that he's just put out his 43rd album, and that he couldn't imagine anyone else doing that. He asked if I'd heard the album yet. I told him no, but that it didn't matter, even bad Bob Dylan is still pretty good. He smiled, nodded and agreed with me.
I am just exhausted. Even trying to go to bed early doesn't work. Last night I was in bed at 10pm. Deb was sleeping in Matthew's bed as she's had a bad cough all week, so Matthew was sleeping with me. I got a good, solid, 1 hour's sleep. Then Matthew woke up. Crying. His ear hurt. Ten minutes of him crying and me trying to comfort him unsucessfully. Deb had woken by this stage and he got up with her. They tried to watch some television. I tried to sleep. No such luck. His ear still hurt. So at midnight we were all sitting at the after-hours medical centre watching BBC World News on the television and waiting for the doctor. He did have an infection in the ear. We got some Pamol (painkiller for children) for him and took him home. He was wide awake. He wanted to go somewhere else! He wanted McDonalds, or the Museum. I drove a slightly roundabout way home and that seemed to pacify him. We got back to bed around 1.30am. I was awake at 6am this morning.
Days after nights like that are a blur. I just feel all fuzzy. I just try and get through the day.
I went out for a coffee run at work today, came back carrying five coffees and followed a mother with two young children into the lift. She asked me which level I was going to and pressed my button. (Hmmm, that's a figure of speech of course!) Her youngest child was a little girl of about three. She looked up at me as I stood in the lift and I gave her a big smile. She smiled back and proceeded to lift her dress up above her waist. I didn't really know where to look as her mother turned, saw her, and told her as they went out the door — “I've told you before, if you keep doing that I won't be able to take you out anywhere!”
My best friend John and his new wife arrived back in New Zealand last weekend from living in England for a year or two. They came up to see us briefly tonight — they're living about 90 mins north of Wellington with his parents until Friday when they move into a flat. It was wonderful to see them both. They've been travelling on a honeymoon for the past month and in fact were on the last plane out of LA airport last week before everything was shut down. John and I have shared a lot of our lives together. We went to the same kindergarten, played in the same soccer team together as young boys, went to the same college, went to university together and both ended up studying Philosophy by completely different routes. We travelled overseas together, cycling across America and then living in London at the same time. Now, when we see each other after an absence, it's like we were only talking yesterday. We've got a shared history that's nice to have with someone. It'll be good to have them back in Wellington!
A couple of older photos taken from my Dad's ship — Wellington harbour in the dying sun:
Link of the day
The Skids and Penetration
If these bands mean anything to you, here's some good writing on them.
Journals and blogs that I read regularly
Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away
made by mom
The Ageless Project
Blogging Mommies
Photo of tunnel copyright Bernd Klumpp, available from istockphoto.com