does study Deb's at home for the next five weeks on study leave. Well, she's taking three weeks study leave, one week's annual leave, but working one day of each of those weeks to make it all total five weeks. Already my whole routine is out of whack. We went out for brunch this morning. We found time for an "intimate moment" sans cats and child this afternoon. I think this might be a good five weeks! When I went to pick up Matthew from care this afternoon, he was crying. I could hear him as I walked around the house. He'd been reading a book, and had come across a picture of an octopus in it. For some reason it must have scared him. Last night, around 2.30am, he woke me up shouting "NO" really loudly. He fussed a little more, talked to himself, and went back to sleep. Tonight, about an hour ago, he woke up crying. I got him up and Debbie gave him a bottle and read some books to him. I guess he's starting to dream, and use his imagination. I look at him, and wonder what goes through his mind. How he sees the world, what thoughts he conjures up. Deb says he doesn't go on walks, he goes on adventures. And it's so true. Everything is new, everything is worth exploring. A bottle top on the footpath, a baby in a pram, a puddle of water. New experiences to store away and think about. He's so beautiful as he grows up. These are times to enjoy and wonder and just be thankful for. |