Yesterday afternoon my father looked over the balcony of his flat - he lives on the 9th floor - and saw a body in the bushes directly below. He went to look. It was a 70 year old woman. He gave her mouth to mouth but she was already dead. The police don't think any unnatural causes, but I guess there needs to be an autopsy to see.

Dad said he didn't sleep much last night.

Of Dreams and Death
11 July, 2001

It's just fascinating watching Matthew grow and learn; watching as he learns new concepts and places them in the context of his life.

For a while now he's been having dreams in the night. Last night, for example, he woke us around 2am, calling "Daddy, Daddy". Very occasionally he'll fall back asleep if we say nothing, but last night we eventually called him into our bed. He walks in, all sleepy and clutching Lala to his side.
“What's up Matthew?”
“I've had a dream!”
“What about?”
“An elephant!”
“And what did the elephant do?”
So we're left wondering just what happened in the dream and pondering the concept of an elephant that does nothing. And in the morning I might ask him what he dreamed about, and it will now be a train. But it still will have done nothing!

And he's getting an idea of death now. The other day we were watching a bumble bee floating around the flowers.
"Look Dad, it's a buzzy bee!"
"I want to kill it"
Of course we didn't, and I'm not sure he knew exactly what killing it was, but he said those words.

He's got a new book. In it, the dog called Sam dies of old age. I was reading it to him tonight and we got to that page. He looked up from his bottle, "Sam died Dad."
"Yes he did, Matthew"
"From old age"
"Yes, everyone dies when they get too old."
A few pages on in the story.
"Nana's old isn't she?"
"No Matthew, she's not that old at all!"

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Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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