“What did the duck say at the birthday party?”
“Eat, eat, eat”

He came up with that joke yesterday. I thought it was pretty damn good for a not yet 4 year old.

Not The Anniversary Day Entry
14 May, 2002

“Do you know what Sunday was?”, said Deb, ringing me up this morning.
“Aaaahhhhh … Mother's Day?”, I answered cautiously, searching for any tricks being played.
“No. Michael, it was our 12th aniversary!”

Well, at least I guess we both forgot it! So we got married on 12 May 1990. Twelve years ago. Fifteen years living together. Gone, seemingly just like that. We both still think of each other as being in our mid-20s — when we met. Life happens, you know. You blink and ten years has passed. I wonder if I'll remember our anniversary in another 12 years?

We went up to my parent's beach house over the weekend with some friends. It was wonderful, although too short of a time up there. The thing I notice most is the quietness. There's virtually no traffic, no airplanes, few other people at this time of year, not much wind. It's just quiet. Peaceful. We read, slept, went for walks, talked, ate and drank. Usually we're up there with my family, and although that's also good, it's not at all as restful. There's always something to do, or a feeling you should be helping out at something. With friends it's more relaxing. And I guess, too, we have more in common with our friends — family ties and shared experiences aside.

Work, which has been slow, may be picking up. We've got a meeting tomorrow which I'm hoping will lead to a new job. I'm taking Debbie along as my secret weapon! You should see us work together. Leave aside the occasional fights, and we're great. We do together what neither of us could do alone. Oh, and she'll have no recourse about saying to me, “You forgot to say that to them??? How you expect to get jobs Michael Brown?” when we get home!

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Link of the day
Annabel's fine journal


Journals and blogs that I read regularly

Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away


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