Nick Hornby
I've just finished this latest book by Nick Hornby. I'm obviously completely in the demographic he writes about, but I do enjoy his novels. This is slightly less outright humourous than previous ones, but no less knowing, no less empathetic.
This entry is about smelling the perfume of the flowers on our bushes as I walked up the path today in that soft golden afternoon light before dusk. It was just one breath, but such a sweet fragrance, such a sweet fragrance. It's an entry about noticing the beauty of sunlight on hills and the shimmering glisten of light breaking on a smooth harbour surface in the early morning.
It's an entry about the feeling of a cat sitting on your chest, kneading at your wollen jumper, and then settling down to sleep, purring close up by your face, warm and heavy and soft. An entry about a warm bath and a cold beer and the taste of home-cooked food.
Mostly it's an entry about hearing a 3 year old's laugh and feeling him wriggle as you tickle his belly, and the smell of your wife's hair as you lean down and place your nose on the top of her head as you wrap your arms around her, and it's an entry about the swell of her belly as you caress your hand softly over it, feeling another life growing in there.
Remember those not here. Look forward with expectant delight to those to come. Savour all around you as you would a crisp, clean, calm day after a tempest. Who knows when the wind might turn again?
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Number Two with a bullet
It seems I am number two in a list of the world's best 100 real people websites! One imagines the standards are somewhat lax. :)
(Actually, I'm pretty damn proud!)
Journals and blogs that I read regularly
Raising Hell
Feral Living
My Life in 12 Point Font
Journal of a Writing Man
Some Jingle Jangle Morning
The Last Girl Scout
Window to my Soul
Yesterday's Makeup
Fifteen Milliliters
Fly Away
made by mom
The Ageless Project
Blogging Mommies
Photo of tunnel copyright Bernd Klumpp, available from