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Matthew is going through a complete Mummy phase right now. I'm basically chopped liver. I just got home today and was talking with Debbie, when he marched over, poked me, looked me in the eye and said, “hey, stop talking, I'm talking to Mummy now!”

He dropped a plate on his big toe tonight. It's all bruised. A toddler in pain and crying for an hour ain't a pretty sight.

Going back on the chaingang

Wednesday 3 January 2001

Wellington is really quite lovely at this time of year, from just after Christmas and through January. It's less crowded as it's still the holidays and lots of people are away. It's midsummer and hot. Everything is just a lot more relaxed and casual and nice. I went to work this morning just needing a shirt on top, the sun warm even early in the morning. The bus was uncrowded and fast, and walking through town at lunchtime was nice and easy.

Of course I've been awake since 4am this morning. I couldn't sleep, and my stomach was churning. I was thinking about today and how it would go.

I handed in my notice today (well, officially tomorrow, but I told them today). I felt really bad. I've enjoyed working there, I like the people, I've learned a lot, they were looking to promote me and give me more responsibility … I feel a little bit like I've left them in the lurch.

But, just before Christmas, myself and the guy I've worked on the last couple of projects with were awarded a big website contract. It's about three months solid work, and covers everything — designing and structuring the site, building it, creating a database and search facilities, it's certainly the biggest site we've done. We'd been asked to put in a proposal for the site, and did so, not really expecting to get anything, and to be honest half-hoping we wouldn't. But something in the heavens must have been right because we got the job. Their only concern was about our size and did we have the resources to do the job. Well, hell no we don't, but that wasn't going to stop us!

The more that I think about it, and especially over the Christmas break, the more this seems like a big opportunity, one too good to pass up on. We're looking at forming a company together and really putting our whole efforts into that. I think there's opportunity for Debbie to be involved in a big way also. She's scared about that, and a couple of nights ago woke up at midnight worried about the whole thing. We had one of those middle of the night chats. I think it helped.

(Deb just read this last paragraph — “middle of the night chats, that's SUCH a euphemism! you know you DON'T chat in the middle of the night!”) Ok, so it wasn't a chat as such. It was Debbie sighing and tossing and turning in bed until I woke up, grumpy and grouchy and sleepy. It was me making the FATAL mistake of asking what the matter was. (Why will I never learn there are some things I don't need to know!) It was Debbie in tears. It was me defensive. It was me storming out of bed at 1am and, ahem, going to watch tv. It was me having no way to gracefully return to bed, so having to wait until Deb got up again to go to the toilet and sneaking back into bed and turning the light off and pretending everything was fine. It wasn't. It was more talking. It ended sometime around 3am. It actually did end well. And it did help.

So, soon back to my own devices again. I think it will go well. I'm more confident now, it won't be just me again, I know a lot more. I'm confident. Wish me luck!