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So, umm, do you like the new design for this page? I wanted to fool around and try to make it a little, so I'm experimenting with lines and softer colours for the text. Let me know what you think.

Oh, and this may also see the return of the sidebar! A good idea?

Catching Up

Sunday 3 September 2000

It's weird for me when I haven't written in a while. I sit here and I can't imagine what to write, and I can't imagine that anyone would want to read of me. So I'm paralysed between not knowing what to write, and wanting to write something that would make people want to read. Neither of which is really the purpose of an online journal!

So I'll just say some stuff and hopefully get back into writing over the next few days.

I am now working for a living again. For the past month I've been working for this Internet development company, first three days a week, then four days, and from tomorrow full-time. I'm on a contract until the end of the year, and we'll see how it goes after that, but there seems no reason it won't continue if things are going well. The money is fine, the people are good to work with, and the job is good for me right now. I'm learning stuff and honing my skills. There's been no real design stuff involved to date, and I don't think there's likely to be much, but that's the only real down side. My job title is Internet Developer (!), and basically I create html pages — mainly from sample pages already drawn up in Freehand or Photoshop by designers. Like I said, I think it's good for me to be doing this right now.

Of course now that I've started this, I've been getting a few enquiries at! Where I'm working are ok for me to do some stuff on my own as long as it's in my own time and not in conflict with them. So I'm hoping to do a few small jobs over the next few months just to keep things ticking over.

I'm happy. I'm really doing work that I enjoy.

I'm also exhausted. I just haven't been getting enough sleep lately. For a variety of reasons — Matthew, cats, Matthew, cats … It's starting to catch up on me. I caught a cold (again) on Sunday evening last week and had half Monday and Tuesday off work. This weekend has just been a blur. Not entirely as a joke, I said to Debbie today that I look forward to the week as a rest from the weekend. I know this is just part of the drill with small children, and I know this is a particularly hard stage as he becomes more active, and I know I wouldn't trade it for anything, but sometimes all I want to do is just sleep.

What else? We lost our basketball semi-final game last weekend. I actually played pretty well in the game, but we never really looked like winning it. It some ways it was almost a relief to finish what's been an average season at best. I really don't know if I'll play again next year. Physically it took a lot out of me this year. I always seemed to get ill after exerting myself too much at basketball. And time wise it's a big commitment out of my limited free time. On the other hand, it has, and does, provide a lot of positives for me — emotionally and physically. As always I suspect I'll make a decision some time next year.

Deb and I are getting on really well. It's hard to pinpoint just why, but there's been an increasing amount of really good feeling between us over the past few months. Oh, and she's started taking folic acid again …