
a dinosaur in the house. He's a he, and he sleeps under our bed.
Debbie and I haven't seen him yet, but he's there. Matthew knows
he is. His name is dinosaur, and during the day he's
often outside, just around the corner. At night, sometimes, he
can be heard moving around, rattling and shaking things. Matthew
knows that when he sees dinosaur, he should say, out! dinosaur,
and we've told him that dinosaur is a very friendly dinosaur,
but he's still a bit scared. Especially at night when the wind
guess it's good that he's got an imagination to see dinosaurs.
It seems he was drawing some with his caregiver the other afternoon,
hence dinosaur now living with us! I'm waiting for the imaginary
friends to appear. Apparently when I was young, I had two imaginary
friends Boo-boo and Jua. Only I could see them, but they
were there. Mum had to set places for them at the dinner table,
they travelled with us, and it seems they may have slept in my
bedroom. Of course I can't remember a damn thing about them to
this day, but I get reminded about it on a regular basis. Still,
I guess if you invent friends, it at least gives you the opportunity
to make sure they're good friends!
other childhood friend incident I get reminded about, although
mercifully not as often, is the *ahem* penis-measuring episode.
Apparently, and again I cannot remember this at all so suppression
of bad memories must work, there was about five of us. We were
about 5 or 6 years old. We were down in our basement. We had our
pants down around our ankles. We were waving our penises about.
We were comparing sizes. We were being awfully quiet so my Mum
came down to see if we were all right. Not one of the better situations
you can find yourself in, even as a five year old!
thought I was in full work avoidance mode today. I spent a good
hour cleaning the computer desk, including wiping it down and
filing lots of papers. I then decided I would work much more effectively
with a better filing system, so had to go out and buy some plastic
zip-lock folders to get papers for each job in, and a new hole-punch.
I'm feeling so much better I've got all that. I love buying stationary
stuff. I think I'll write some things to do on my whiteboard tonight,
and then, with that and having three of the zip-lock plastic folders
filled with papers I'll certainly feel like I've done lots of
work. Work avoidance? Me?